The Coming Storm It was hot that day, like dog's breath in your ear. The sun sat squarely above us as we walked hand in hand down the dirt road that bordered Hank's field. Off to the west came the distant rumblings of an approaching storm. "How much further is it?" I panted. We'd been walking for nearly an hour and I was ready to drop. "We're almost there shooga," she replied. This girl was something else, country born and country bred. Her yellow halter top and cutoff shorts did everything but hide the luscious body under them. I had to have her, I was hopelessly in love. She stopped beneath the overhanging limbs of an old live oak and sat on one of the drooping branches. I sat next to her and felt her slide ever so slightly in my direction. Sherry was her name and she was truly fine. Beautiful through and through with a gorgeous personality to match that incredible figure. I watched her pull up her hair and fan her neck. A little drop of sweat tiptoed down her neck and stood just above that first hint of cleavage. Another joined it and then another until together they ran into that moist valley beneath her top. She saw me staring and giggled, goosebumps rising from her flawless skin. "It's just around the corner shooga, why the fuss?" "I'm so hot," I spat, "let's get the hell outta here and go swimmin', O.K.?" She stood up and stretched, then pulled the denim shorts away from her thighs. Without a word she walked on without me. Where she got this energy I'll never know but all it did was make me love her more. The storm rumbled again closer now. Maybe it would cool things off. I followed her down that dusty road toward a distant grove of trees. I'd been seeing her now for about a month. We had a lot of things in common and our sex life was coming along nicely although we hadn't yet gone all the way. She was a paradox. So eager to get things going, so passionate and warm at first and then suddenly cold like the cold wind before a storm. My hands knew her every curve and my lips knew her secret places. I could only hope that I wouldn't have to wait much longer. As it came nearer, so it faded away. She reached the trees long before I did and by the time I stumbled into the shadows she was undressed. Her skin was fiery red with the heat, her long hair stuck to her skin in the wettest places. I tossed of my shirt and collapsed to the ground, exhausted. You see, I'm from the mountain states and have never learned to deal with the heat. She knelt down beside me and asked,"Are you O.K.?" Was I O.K.? I guess you could say it was possible. I mean I'm alone out in the country with this centerfold come to life. She's sitting beside me buck naked ready and willing to go. But how far? If this is another replay of my last flame I don't know if I can stand it. Kim was just a bitch but it took time to find it out. I did everything I could think of to please her but the harder I tried the more apathetic she became until we just missed the mark somehow. I guess I shouldn't say she was a bitch. That comes from a part of me I'm trying to improve but missing with her hurt me so bad that I'm still full of anger. Sorry, Kim. "Are you O.K.?" she asked again. I closed my eyes and leaned back on my elbows. "Yeah, better now." A sudden breeze ran through the branches above us. She touched my shoulder lightly and traced a path out across my chest giggling with childish excitement. "Is that all you're going to take off?" she asked. Before I could reply, her fingers drifted downward to the buttons on my jeans. With a quick tug the first came free. I began to harden as the remaining buttons fell open. She took me in her hand and sighed. "You're really hard! Can I do something for you?" she asked in that little country girl voice that she uses for me at times like this. Somehow the fatigue and exhaustion I was feeling just moments ago evaporated into thin air. A sudden flash of light and we both jumped. The dark underside of the storm cloud sent another cooling breeze. Her nipples suddenly hardened and her breath came in short little pants. "We don't have much time, Bill. The forecast is for a coming storm." I couldn't get going fast enough. She was everywhere at once. The lightning flashed again and again and the air was suddenly full of flying leaves. Her soft lips parted with an impatient moan as she pulled me down next to her and began a slow trail of wet kisses from my neck downwards. Her tongue explored my navel and I wrapped my hands in her hair. Pushing gently downward I guided her to my groin. She kissed the head and then looked up to me. "I love you and I want to know that this will be my first time," she whispered. As she did her magic my gaze drifted upwards to the treetops swaying in the wind. The charcoal grey clouds boiled their way eastward and cooling breezes pushed the suffocating heat away. Feeling the wave of pleasure begin, I let go of her hair and dug my fingers into the soft mossy floor beneath us. I was losing control and didn't want the end to come so soon. But the roll of the stormcloud could not be stopped and the only thing I could do was to let myself be swept away, forever, hopelessly lost in the soul of the one I loved. "I'm sorry," I said as she snuggled up to me, "I wanted to wait for you." Her eyes were soft with desire and she took my hand between her legs and rolled her hips passionately. Her warm lips pressed into the hair of my chest while that rich hair spread gently over my shoulders. "You can go again, I know it," she urged. We'd always started this way but something in her tone told me that we were now on the brink of discovery. I wanted to know her, to please her as she did me. I wanted to love her completely. My lips began their usual business but before I had gone down too far she stopped me. "I can't wait," she gasped,"Do it now!" I shook my head, she didn't really know what she was capable of and I set out to show her. Her pert breasts melted to my touch, my fingers strummed a love song between those thighs that soon pressed wildly upward bearing the gift that she had to offer. The first raindrops began to pelt us like tiny ice cubes. "Hurry," she wailed, "It's coming fast." She rolled her head from side to side slowly at first then faster as my lips discovered her womanly treasure. The patter of raindrops became more regular and the cool water washed away any hesitancy that she had left. The sky flashed, the trees bent before the coming storm and the hot stillness that had existed moments before gradually transformed itself into a frenetic orgy of naked power. She let the power take her away time and time again until she could barely breath. "I love you, I really love you." I raised up and looked into her eyes. "Now?" I asked. To be continued.......